Pet Sitting and Pet Visits

Pet visits are available for all species of animals and include feeding, giving fresh water, cleaning litter trays, cleaning out and replenishing bedding and letting dogs out into the garden.
Pet visits are available for any duration of time from 1 day to 1 month depending on the area you live in.
A pet visit at your home can be booked for a half an hour or more if required. I am happy to take out bins and water both indoor or outdoor plants, clean up any accidents and keep areas around your pets tidy.
I am able to administer most medications to pets if necessary.
Species I have looked after, worked with or kept as pets over the years include, horses, donkeys, dogs, cats, rabbits, guinea pigs, rats, chinchillas, tropical fish, chickens, ducks, budgies, parrots, pigeons and aviary birds.